Wiseradviser provides free and effective e-learning, virtual training and webinars for debt advisers in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Why choose our training?
Our expertise
Supported by sector experts and dedicated tutors passionate about improving money advice.
High quality training
Engaging accredited learning accessed through a range of flexible options.
Up-to-date content
Updated regularly by subject matter experts to align with the latest changes in legislation.
Our training
We offer a wide range of training courses, from flexible e-learning that you can complete at your own pace, to virtual courses which provide engaging experience from leading experts.

With e-learning courses covering a wide range of debt related topics, our e-learning helps provide you with the knowledge and skills you need at a time and pace to suit.

Our virtual courses provide engaging teaching from sector specialists. Whether you are a new or a more experienced adviser we are at the forefront of ensuring you are equipped to provide quality and consistency of advice.

We have hosted a suite of engaging webinars focusing on developments, issues and challenges facing the debt advice sector. These are available for users to listen to after the event.
training places in England, Wales and Northern Ireland last year
of advisers said our training improved their knowledge
9 in 10
advisers were helped to improve client’s outcomes
Part of the charity Money Advice Trust

Wiseradviser is run by the charity the Money Advice Trust, whose vision is to help people across the UK to tackle their debts and manage their money with confidence.
Partnership working
The Money Advice Trust offers free training for advice sector partners in England, Wales and Northern Ireland through the Wiseradviser brand.
Wiseradviser training in Northern Ireland is delivered by Advice NI.